Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Today I was blessed with another wonderful Christmas!  I spent time with family, went to mass, and spent the night at my mom and dad's for the 38th Christmas in a row.  Next year, I pray my Christmas is different!  Not that I don't love my Christmas, but because I want little "J" to experience Christmas the way I have!  Tonight as I type I wonder if there was a Christmas tree at "J's" Haiti home.  I wonder so much about her and know that I will get to meet her soon.  I feel blessed that she is with her friends, friends that will stay in her life always!

Merry Christmas to all from Morton & Haiti! A little picture from a wonderful friend, of little "J's" view from her Haiti home.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Drum roll please...

I am a mom!!!!  Monday at 4:35 pm, I got a call that changed my life forever!  I answered and was told, "Today is your day!"  I was beyond excited and managed to contain my excitement as I was driving.  I was told that I have a daughter.  She is 14 months old and beautiful.  For legal/safety reasons, I will refer to her as Little J...until she is legally mine.

It has been a whirlwind of a week and I am so excited.  I promise to post more about her and the process this weekend, but I just had to spread the word!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The season's change....and the waiting continues

Last week, we rolled into one of my favorite season's...FALL!  I mean who doesn't love football (NOTRE DAME football to be exact), pumpkins, the Pumpkin Festival, and cooler temps.  I am happy to see things change...however somethings haven't changed.

I had hoped my next post would be titled...It's a......  but it isn't.  I have been waiting for that call.  I have been wondering in my head, whether I will be a mom to a little boy or little girl.  However yesterday, I decided to quit checking my email and phone constantly for THAT call or THAT email.  I have decided to do what I should have done a long time ago, continue my daily activities and know that when the time is right God will make it happen.  I have given it to God.  I mean ultimately we all know he is the one who knows when it will happen and which wonderful little one will come into my life.  I feel good about my decision!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A little bit of info..

DON'T get excited like I did when I saw this email title pop up in my in-box yesterday!  As a wise person told me, it is good news just not quite the news I was looking for!  So my case worker dropped me a line and said... FEJ indicated that they do have a match in mind for you, however they have just do not have the all of the matching documents yet for this child.  (psych, medical, social history, legal paperwork etc..)  We continue to wait...

I thought since everyone is waiting with me, I would share!  So somewhere in the world, there is a little one that someone feels I am worthy of being their mom.  I can't wait to find out who that little one is.  Stay tuned!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Back to school...

I have to admit that when I left school back in May, I was so excited to go back in August and be able to say I am a MOM!  Well in ten hours I will be greeting my new class of first graders and for the time being they will be my only kiddos.

I have not heard any news on a match.  I have checked in lately with my agency and it appears as though it will be soon.  Now what "soon" means is the million dollar question.  Of course I am disappointed, but I know that it will happen.  I just keep reminding myself, it isn't about my timeline.

Here's to a great school year!  What o'what will it hold????  Stay tuned!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Summer continues....

I cannot believe it is already July 5th!  This summer has been busy.  Working, relaxing, & getting in some pool time when it is nice enough have been filling up my days.  However the one thing that happens daily is WAITING.  Waiting impatiently, I should say.  If you would have asked be 7 months ago where I would be in the process, waiting for a match would not have been my answer.  Waiting to go to Haiti would be more like it.  However, that is not the case.  Processes are still changing and decisions of how to proceed are being made.  Supposedly there was a big meeting in Haiti today between the creche directors and IBESR.  I learned about that on a new group I belong to on Facebook!  Who knew that Facebook would be so helpful.  The director of the Haiti program at my agency emailed me on Wednesday to tell me she was thinking about me and that the directors of the creche were working hard.  It was nice to hear from her and gave me a glimmer of hope.

A friend I met via email/Facebook is heading to Haiti on Monday!  Praying that she will have safe travels and an awesome trip meeting her little one for the FIRST time!!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Summer Time!

It has almost been a month since my last post and I still wonder when that call is going to come!  I thought I should post an update and then realized there is really nothing to update.  However, a friend of mine posted this great video about the directors (Gina & Lucien) of the creche that I am working with.  Talk about amazing people!!  I would LOVE to hear your comments!!!  Hope everyone is having a great summer!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Old v. New

Well it seems, just when you think you are on one switches things up.  So last Friday, I knew that my dossier was being delivered to Haiti and I had made it to the next step.  On Saturday, I received an email saying that I now needed to be open to possibly being part of the new process OR the OLD process.

What does that mean? The way I understand it... is the old way is being matched by the director of the creche instead of IBESR and my trip would be one week as opposed to two.  Which is better?  I don't know.  I just know that whatever process I am in, I will be in the right one.  So old or new?  I am not sure....but stay tuned!

Friday, May 17, 2013


Back in December, I began working on my dossier.  For those who are unaware, the dossier is your adoption packet for a lack of technical terms.  I remember thinking, I will crank this out over my Christmas break.  I remember going to the administration office for my employment letter and it went so well, everyone was excited and they were so helpful.  No problem, this will be easy.  I continued on, but January 7th came a little quicker then I had planned and it was back to the world of 2nd grade.  I continued to work on getting letters, getting them notarized, authenticated, re-done, re-notarized,  and re-authenticated.  Spring break came and certainly it would get done!  Nope, a few changes and a few more papers!  Then off to get translated!  Then to the Haitian Consulate in Chicago.  But today it finally happened, my dossier made it to HAITI!!!!!

Now we wait some more, have you noticed that is kinda a theme???

So once again, my timeline didn't go quite as planned.  However, in the end it is isn't about my timeline...someone knows what is meant to be and I keep reminding myself to enjoy the ride!  So now I will sit back and enjoy the ride, while I wait for that call that finally tells me I am a MOM!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Being 1st...

Most people like to be first, right? I mean I have a class of 23 little ones who strive to be that each day!  Well this week I learned I am in first, but I am not so sure that is a good thing.  However, since I am a half glass full type of girl...I am trying to think it is a good thing!

As you all have read, I got my documents mailed off and I was feeling great.  Monday I had a missed call from my case worker, heart DROPS and voice message says to call her.  I call her this it???  And I quickly learned it wasn't!  She was looking over my paperwork and told me I was missing some things.  Just when I thought I was done!  So I got a piece of paper and started writing what I needed.  Only 2 of the 4 things require authentication from the state and only one needs notarized.  Then she told me she was sending things to the translator and let me know how to pay for that.  I was quite surprised how inexpensive it was considering the massive paperwork that has to be translated.  And then I learn I am first!  First in what you ask?  The match game.

Since January 16th, I have wondered what day the call would come that would change my life forever. On Monday, I learned that call is not going to happen for awhile and that I am FIRST in the new process.  Haiti is in the process of changing their guidelines and procedures for adoption.  This is a good thing in the long run, however for me and those of you who read means more waiting!

My caseworker explained I would not be matched until my paperwork is in Haiti.  The match recommendation will come from the creche director and then IBESR (the Haiti agency for adoptions) will approve it and THEN that magical call will come my way.  I asked how long she thought and she said, "Well you are our first one to go through this new process & I can't say for sure."  So being the planner I am I tried to figure it out when we hung up.  The translation will take 2-3 weeks, then it goes to the Haitian Consulate, and then to Haiti.  I would guess that it won't make it to Haiti until the end of May and then you wait for them to see it.  If I was a betting lady, I would guess my call won't come until mid June or later.

So on to the glass is half full side of life!  Maybe the time after I am matched until I make my first trip will be shorter.  Maybe the whole process will get fine tuned and I will be able to deal with less issues once I am matched.  Maybe and this is a BIG maybe....I will have less time after my first visit until I can bring my little one home.  Maybe Maybe Maybe....that is what adoption is all about.  The one thing that is not a MAYBE is I am ready to be a mom and can't wait to meet my future!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Friday, Mom & Dad & I headed down to Springfield for the final authentication of the last few dossier documents.  It was a little hard to find the building, but we did it!  We walked in, I signed in, I sat down, they called me up, a lady looked over the papers (as I watched nervously, fearing she would find something wrong), she said they looked great and it would be just a minute.  A few minutes later we walked out with the papers in hand!  We stopped for lunch and it was right next to the post office, so I ran in and mailed them up north!  YEA!  A little more progress!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Off to Chicago...

Not me, but these very important papers!  Tomorrow I will mail off the first of 7 documents to be translated in to Creole.  These 7 documents are part of my dossier, the other 4 will be traveling to Springfield on Friday for authentication by the state of Illinois.  If Friday goes well, they will also make their way to Chicago for translation.  All these papers are a part of my dossier, which is pretty much my application to Haiti for adoption.  The dossier is a HUGE step in the adoption process.  Stayed tuned!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

As I celebrated with my mom and dad today, I wondered...would there be a little one at the table next Easter?  I know that the odds are slim, but it is fun to dream.  This week I realized once more that I am not alone in my journey.  Don't get me wrong, I have the greatest friends and family supporting me throughout the highs and lows...but sadly I often forget my biggest supporter, God!  This past week I was struggling to get more documentation for my dossier.  I had to go three different places and finally, I found a caring lady who went above and beyond for me!  And get this, her cousin is adopting from Haiti!  God continues to show me in different ways that he is always with me and I need that.  I need to keep him front and center in my journey, as he is really the only one who knows how the journey is going to go.

Tomorrow is a new day, a new month, and the beginning of a week off!  Will this be my month?  I can only hope!  I will be sure to keep you posted.

Friday, March 22, 2013


I read a lot of blogs!  Teaching blogs, adoption blogs, organizing blogs, you name it I will probably read it.  I have read some awesome blogs on adoption, depicting the whole story...the highs, the lows, the joys, and the tears.  I have been amazed at the strength of these individuals.  Well yesterday and today I experienced a high and a low, and to be honest...I don't quite think I have been very strong.

Yesterday, I got my paperwork back and learned my fingerprints were approved (not that I was worried) but then today I learn that Haiti may be changing its travel requirements.  They are looking at requiring adopting parents to spend 2 weeks in Haiti bonding with their child while being observed by a social worker.  Of course I feel bonding is important, I can't wait to spend 2 weeks with my child...but that requirement is just another change, a possible slow down? maybe.

I am unsure if this will pass, I am unsure if this will affect me, and once again I am reminded that adoption is filled with lots of these unsure moments.  Tonight I will say an extra prayer that it will all work out. Tomorrow is a new day and one day closer to me becoming a mom

Thursday, March 21, 2013


My mailbox is normally filled with catalogs, bills, or junk.  Today, however it was filled with multiple things that made me very excited!  First, I received my documents back from the state of IL!!!  That was a wonderful turnaround.  I sent them on the 9th.  Of course when I opened the package, I was a little discouraged to find 2 of the letters weren't accepted because of notary wording.  REALLY???  So say a prayer that I can get these 2 letters fixed and sent back as quick as possible.

The 2nd envelope was from ....

This letter and I quote said "NOTICE OF FAVORABLE DETERMINATION CONCERNING APPLICATION FOR ADVANCE PROCESSING OF ORPHAN PETITION"  So you ask, what does that mean???  Well to be honest, I don't know but I know it has to be good:)  I know it is one more step closer to my little one.

SO as I sign off to get some shut eye, I will be saying a prayer for all those little ones in the world waiting for a forever home!  I will also be praying that one of those little ones is coming to this forever home.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Luck of the Irish

Well as many of you know, being Irish is very important to me!  I love all that is Irish!  ND football, wearing green, and Ireland (even though I have never been there:).  Today being St. Patrick's Day, makes me wonder, will this be the week?  Will the luck of the Irish carry into this week?  As a new teacher, St. Patrick's Day tended to bring me a pink slip and an uncertain job outlook.  Will this St. Patrick's day week bring me a touch of pink or blue and the start of a wonderful journey with a little one?  We shall see! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Today Mom & Dad & I hopped in the car for our fingerprint road trip!  2 hours and 25 minutes later...we arrived.  We were early, so we stopped at Subway, got a drink, I made some calls for other adoption paperwork, and decided to go ahead and go in early.  Mom and Dad waited in the car and I proceeded in.  The immigration office was located in a strip mall and as soon as I walked in, I felt like I was in a DMV!  I filled out a form, waited, got called, waited again, stood up gave up control of both hands to the lady who took the fingerprints and was back in the car 5 minutes later!  Mom pointed out that I got out before my appointment was even suppose to start!  So when you are that close to a great mall...what do you do????  SHOP!!!

We decided it would be fun to buy little one a toy, since today was one more step closer to his or her arrival!  As we were walking to the Disney Store, we saw the Build A Bear Workshop and decided that might be fun!!  So we built little one its first teddy bear.  The first of many I am sure!

Other news, I was also able to pick up the pediatrician letter!  All the paperwork is coming together!

So until I have a picture of little one to share....I will share little one's friend "Baby Bear."

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Just a few things...

This week I go get my fingerprints!  Today I mailed off 8 documents to the State of Illinois, for authentication.  I was so nervous to give up these documents, as they are the originals, but I re-read the instructions twice before I sealed the envelope and gave it to the lady at the post office.  I have 3 more papers to get, hopefully that will happen this week and then they will go off for authentication also.  Once they are all authenticated, off they go to Adoption Link and one more step will be accomplished!

One of the papers I am waiting to get is a pediatrician letter.  I knew I wanted a pediatrician in my hometown, as I am planning to go with child care here too.  I haven't had much luck with medical personnel with previous letters I needed, so I was a little apprehensive to find a pediatrician.  Last Monday, I was off work, so I decided to just walk in and ask.  I am so glad I did.  They were great!  Not only would they write it, they would also notarize it, the pediatrician asked to meet me, and the nurse practitioner met me and told me she has done mission trips to Haiti!  I am a firm believer in things happen for a reason and knew when I left, that I picked the right office!

I must say that lately when my phone rings or I get an email, I wonder "Is this it?"  I am very excited and can't wait to see who the little person is that will make me the luckiest mom in the world!  Stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Snow & Fingerprints & Waiting

Hello from SNOWY Illinois!  I mean that shouldn't come as a shock to most, but as of late snow has been non-existent.  Today was one of those days where teachers become kids and I hoped to see my school on the ticker at the bottom of the news....but it didn't happen!  I made it to school, unlike a hundred of our students!  I thought maybe today is the day...but it wasn't and so we WAIT some more!

I did get my fingerprinting appointment!  I am set for a noon appt on March 12th.  This is by no means a simple fingerprint, I have to drive 2 hours and be there RIGHT when they tell me.  I can do that!

Just a few days left in February!  Many people have picked days in March as the day I get that AWESOME stay tuned!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Follow me...

A few people have asked if there is a way that they can follow the blog.  By following, you sign up to receive emails when I post.  By no means do you have to do this.. but I thought I would share.  With the help of my best friend (Andy) we, well she, figured it out!  It's quite simple! All you have to do is go to the bottom of the blog and submit in the line titled "email me" your address.  An email will be sent to your email account and you will have to confirm.  Then you should receive the updates!  They tend to come the day after I post!  Keep enjoying the journey!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Learning a little about Haiti

Today I had a great chance to hear about Haiti and the creche (orphanage) where I will be adopting from.  I met with a person from this area who is also adopting and just came back from their first trip.  I was amazed to hear how things were there and see pictures.  

I have lived a very blessed life.  One I am very thankful for and become more thankful for each day.  Today, my thankfulness reached extreme heights!  To hear about life in Haiti, made things real.  Haiti is considered the poorest country in the world, they are continuing to deal with the damage of the earthquake that occurred 3 years ago and each storm and/or hurricane that comes through causes more damage.  Tucked in the mountains of all of the devastation is a wonderful creche that cares for children who need forever homes.  I was amazed at how little they require to survive and yet they are so happy.  The children sound so well behaved and cared for.  It was amazing to hear of the celebrations they have for those kiddos who are going home.  

I have never regretted for once my decision to adopt from Haiti and today's visit made it all the more real.  It won't be easy, even a little scary at times...but I know that together with all the support of my friends and family, my little one and I will survive and live an even more thankful life!  So tonight when you go to bed, be thankful for even the tiniest highlights of your day! I know I will!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Why Haiti?

Many people have asked me how I decided to adopt in Haiti and there truly isn't one good answer....there are multiple!  I have wanted to adopt for sometime, long before many of you even knew.  I tried to adopt domestically, however that was obviously not what was in the cards for me.  I talked to my caseworker at the agency and we discussed my options and Haiti was one of those.  I thought & prayed for almost 10 months...until I knew for sure and I finally made the call.  That call occurred at the end of October and now I am officially waiting!

So why Haiti...well one reason is they are open to single parents, so that was a plus.  Haiti is truly not that far from here and I know that down the road, I could always take my little one back to see where he or she started life.  Financially it worked or was "workable".  And four... I have a connection to Haiti. My cousin was adopted from Haiti.  I love that my little one will always have a connection to where they came from.  

The day I made my decision, it felt right and that was the best feeling ever!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The List

I love the world of technology.  I just received the following email....

Your home study has been approved by DCFS and scanned/emailed to our partners in Haiti.  You are now waiting for a match!

Let the waiting begin!!!!


My home study has been APPROVED!! YEA!  The home study will now be sent to the agency I am working with and they will send it to Haiti.  As soon as Haiti receives it, they will put me on the waiting list for a MATCH!

What that means is that I will be placed on the list and as children become available for adoption they are matched based on requests of prospective parents.  As soon as a child is matched with me, I will receive a call from my agency and an email with information on the little one.  Then I will have the opportunity to accept if it is a good match.  When I accept, I will then officially be a MOM!  Of course my child will be more than 1,600 miles away from me, but we will still be connected.  I will receive pictures and as much information as they have been given.  

So today was one of those exciting days in the adoption process!  I am fully aware that the process will be long and filled with hiccups...HOWEVER I plan to stay focused and positive, I know this is meant to be!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Home Study on its way!

Today I learned that my home study has been sent to the state of Illinois for approval.  They told me it takes about 2 weeks, who knew that our great state could work that fast.  I was so excited, that I followed up with my contact at the agency up in Chicago and found out some great news!  As soon as my home study is approved, it will be sent to Haiti and I will be officially on the waiting list!!!  My home study states that I am open to a boy or a girl, preferably infant to toddler.  They tell me that means birth to 3 years old.  So needless to say, I am happy to learn that by the end of January I could be on the list!!!  

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Welcome & Update

It is finally time to start documenting this awesome journey!  I realized I hadn't done as could of a job when I tried to make the timeline on the right.  So hopefully this blog will help me keep better track.  Currently I am in the midst of my dossier.  For those that are not sure what that means, I can put it to you more simply...PAPERWORK!!!

I hopefully will get this all accomplished in the next 2 weeks!  Then it gets reviewed and then off to the state of Illinois for authentication.  My home study is done and being reviewed for submission to the state.

I will update this blog so you can follow me on this journey!  Please ask questions and make comments!  I can't tell you how excited I am!