Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Being 1st...

Most people like to be first, right? I mean I have a class of 23 little ones who strive to be that each day!  Well this week I learned I am in first, but I am not so sure that is a good thing.  However, since I am a half glass full type of girl...I am trying to think it is a good thing!

As you all have read, I got my documents mailed off and I was feeling great.  Monday I had a missed call from my case worker, heart DROPS and voice message says to call her.  I call her this it???  And I quickly learned it wasn't!  She was looking over my paperwork and told me I was missing some things.  Just when I thought I was done!  So I got a piece of paper and started writing what I needed.  Only 2 of the 4 things require authentication from the state and only one needs notarized.  Then she told me she was sending things to the translator and let me know how to pay for that.  I was quite surprised how inexpensive it was considering the massive paperwork that has to be translated.  And then I learn I am first!  First in what you ask?  The match game.

Since January 16th, I have wondered what day the call would come that would change my life forever. On Monday, I learned that call is not going to happen for awhile and that I am FIRST in the new process.  Haiti is in the process of changing their guidelines and procedures for adoption.  This is a good thing in the long run, however for me and those of you who read means more waiting!

My caseworker explained I would not be matched until my paperwork is in Haiti.  The match recommendation will come from the creche director and then IBESR (the Haiti agency for adoptions) will approve it and THEN that magical call will come my way.  I asked how long she thought and she said, "Well you are our first one to go through this new process & I can't say for sure."  So being the planner I am I tried to figure it out when we hung up.  The translation will take 2-3 weeks, then it goes to the Haitian Consulate, and then to Haiti.  I would guess that it won't make it to Haiti until the end of May and then you wait for them to see it.  If I was a betting lady, I would guess my call won't come until mid June or later.

So on to the glass is half full side of life!  Maybe the time after I am matched until I make my first trip will be shorter.  Maybe the whole process will get fine tuned and I will be able to deal with less issues once I am matched.  Maybe and this is a BIG maybe....I will have less time after my first visit until I can bring my little one home.  Maybe Maybe Maybe....that is what adoption is all about.  The one thing that is not a MAYBE is I am ready to be a mom and can't wait to meet my future!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Friday, Mom & Dad & I headed down to Springfield for the final authentication of the last few dossier documents.  It was a little hard to find the building, but we did it!  We walked in, I signed in, I sat down, they called me up, a lady looked over the papers (as I watched nervously, fearing she would find something wrong), she said they looked great and it would be just a minute.  A few minutes later we walked out with the papers in hand!  We stopped for lunch and it was right next to the post office, so I ran in and mailed them up north!  YEA!  A little more progress!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Off to Chicago...

Not me, but these very important papers!  Tomorrow I will mail off the first of 7 documents to be translated in to Creole.  These 7 documents are part of my dossier, the other 4 will be traveling to Springfield on Friday for authentication by the state of Illinois.  If Friday goes well, they will also make their way to Chicago for translation.  All these papers are a part of my dossier, which is pretty much my application to Haiti for adoption.  The dossier is a HUGE step in the adoption process.  Stayed tuned!